Psalms 149:3
How to Dance

How to Dance

Welcome! Dancing is a very fun and intuitive way to move your body more often then not your partners.
You should expect Western Style Swing Dancing, Line Dancing, and Circle Dancing. Now all of those categories can be with a partner or without a partner, it all depends on the song. And there might be some Waltzing but not much, at least at this moment.

The basics of Line Dancing is to follow the actions everyone else is doing, without a doubt someone there knows what they are doing and can be an example for anyone watching.

The basics of Swing Dancing are to do what at least I the Editor call the Basic Swing. The Basic Swing involves moving closer to your partner and push the arms out (Example: ||) and then pulling the arms back in again and pulling away from your partner (Example: [   ]). The steps for swing dancing always mess with my head and aren’t required but do make the swing look a lot nicer for anyone watching.

Circle Dancing is an Israelite traditional style dance that might be in other countries as well but I only know that Israel does it. It usually involves everyone being in a circle facing inwards (sometimes holding hands) and you spin as a circle and go in and out. It is easy and kind of follows the same principles of Line Dancing but in a circle.


For some video’s on the basics of swing dancing you can check out these:
Basics of Swing Dancing by Grant and Shalee.
Basic of Swing Dancing pt. 2 by Grant and Shalee
(Their channel is really cool and has some neat stuff! Recommend checking it out.)

Here is another video that has some more advanced and then a few easy ones like the Pretzel which I recommend you look at.

Here is our dance YouTube channel. (Coming soon!)

Those are just the first to in the series but if you don’t like it after those you should know.
-A few things to note is that don’t go for the most difficult thing first nor go to fast, reason being is that if not careful you can seriously injure your back and core. I’d recommend going slow especially at first, if you have prior dancing skills you can probably be a little bit more risky as you have had a little more experience.
-Dancing is also a skill, hobby, and art. Go at your own pace, at any dance go slower by cutting the beat in half or just not do much but swing, nobody is going to care what you do and as long as we don’t get sick of spinning your good!